Bridal Bouquet


Our neat and elegant bridal bouquet in timeless shades of white and ivory, hand-tied together with a high quality ribbon. This bouquet will be freshly made by our local floral designer, and is perfect for intimate weddings and elopements.

Features of this bouquet:

  • Hand delivered, ready to be enjoyed!
  • Wrapped with high quality ribbon
  • Delivered in a vase with water 
  • Personalized gift message
  • Varietals such as roses and eucalyptus may be incorporated into this design pending seasonality, freshness, and availability

Our florists use the freshest flowers currently available in their market and therefore your design may vary from the inspiration photo above. If substitutions are required, our designers will strive to achieve the overall style and color palette as pictured. If any design elements are important to your order, please contact us with those requests. 


See full substitution & delivery policy here. Thank you for understanding.